
M 250SS F8 ISO100 18MM

M 200SS F16 ISO400 26MM

it shows the light hitting the back of the hand.

its shadows are really dark.

the shadows make it eerie.

i like how dark it is.

its backlit which is making the shadows so dark.

what i learned about exposure

i learned that exposure is the amount of light that hits the senor of the camera.

shutter speed is the length that the digital senor is exposure to light through the shutters

aperture is a hole in the lens that opens and closes to let light in to hit the senor

iso controls the sensitivity of your cameras senor to let in light



M 250ss F8 ISO400 18MM

M 400ss F8 ISO400 18MM

M 400ss F8 ISO400 18MM

i chose this photo because it shows texture and i like the cat and the colors and the focus on the cats face and the detail of the nose and fur.